I've had enough of writing equations on this blog, so I won't go into a lot of detail. But you basically let e^(AL)=v', L^(N+1)=u. Find v and u' then:int(uv')=uv-int(vu')u' will be of the form (N+1)L^N and v will be something like e^(AL)/A.I hope this helps. We can go over it in more detail on Wednesday.
I've had enough of writing equations on this blog, so I won't go into a lot of detail. But you basically let e^(AL)=v', L^(N+1)=u. Find v and u' then:
u' will be of the form (N+1)L^N and v will be something like e^(AL)/A.
I hope this helps. We can go over it in more detail on Wednesday.